A young couple recently reached out to ask if I could make a wedding ring for them, using their collection of Family, and Personal jewlery. What a great idea! Some of the pieces were inherited, while other pieces were gifted to them. Even though this is a very exciting project, full of fun and family history, it can be a challenge to knit together a Beautiful project from a collection of Gemstones. Sometimes the Gemstones and Diamonds vary significantly in their quality, so that the new piece will not look balanced. This particular project is to be a wedding and engagement set. The first step was a thorough cleaning and steaming of all of the gemstone jewelry. After the cleaning was completed, I then graded the quality of all of the diamonds. Many of the pieces were commercial “mall quality” diamonds; one piece with smaller diamonds had top light brown diamonds, which looked good when next to each other, but do not play well next to a bright white diamond. Since we were going to make a pavee band, their juxtaposition would make the color difference obvious to the naked eye. it was a big color difference. Sorting out the brightest cleanest gemstones and the sizes that could work into a pavee style band takes time and patience. Most of the time comes into matching how well the cuts of the diamonds match. The last thing that you want is to have a beautiful bright field of diamonds only to be interrupted by a flat, dull non reflective diamond. The gold however is easy to repurpose. Usually the customer is given a choice of 18 vs 14 K white or yellow gold. The metal is cleaned up , any old solder is removed, and then it is mixed with brand new alloyed metal of the same caratage. So all in all, repurposing your jewelry may present a few challenges, but with a patient eye and careful callipers, a beautiful project can come to life. It can save you time and money. If you have old collectibles that you are not wearing, let’s see what we can do to bring them back to life! What Can I Create for YOU?
Michael Nutter Jeweler From Concept to Finished Jewelry Award Winning Jeweler since 1978 Call Michael for Quality Jewelry
The Sapphire is September’s Birthstone, and is a truly remarkable Gemstone. Corundum is the matrix material, or mother mineral for this stone. Sapphires actually come in a wide variety of colors, and here is why: when the Corundum is hot and fluid, it becomes mixed with other minerals, which gives the Corundum different colors. Hence HEAT is the reason for the multitude of Sapphire colors. In fact, you can choose from any color in the rainbow! Pictured is a wedding ring with channel set saphires, which is a lovely use of this gemstone. Athough blue Sapphies are seen commonly, the Red color of Corundum is known as Ruby! And, the Lotus Flower Pink (with peach overtones) is known as Padaparasha. If you are a September baby, you are blessed with a truly unlimited variety of Corundum ( Sapphires) from which to choose! Have fun choosing your favorite Sapphire. What Can I Create for YOU?
Michael Nutter Jeweler From Concept to Finished Jewelry Award Winning Jeweler since 1978 Call Michael for Quality Jewelry My Favorite Clients are the ones who have taken the time to celebrate those special moments in life. The Birthdays, Anniversaries, and significant events such as career promotions, graduations, and accomplishments to remember and commemorate! A recent customer called, and wanted to make an appointment to upgrade his wife’s original wedding ring. They were celebrating their 50th anniversary! He wanted to give her a diamond when they were married, and what he could afford, was a yellow gold free form band. It was lovely! And of course, that band means the world to them. His comment was “from humble beginnings.” I had a beautiful half carat diamond that they both fell in love with. I fashioned it into their old ring with some careful remodeling. When they picked up the finished ring, it brought tears to their eyes. He said to her that she finally had her diamond that he had been saving up for so long. A wonderful celebration of their sparkling life, together. What Can I Create for YOU?
Michael Nutter Jeweler From Concept to Finished Jewelry Award Winning Jeweler since 1978 Call Michael for Quality Jewelry |